Author Archives: Chanctonbury

Tonight! Teaching Seminar 7.45pm at Washington Church

Our Teaching Seminars continue tonight 7.45pm in Washington Church, and we will be looking at the subject of ‘Pursuing financial breakthrough’. All are welcome! If you have missed the Teaching Seminars on ‘Being filled with the Holy Spirit’ and ‘Manifestations of the Spirit’, you can catch up here.

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Set the Fire Sunday 3 March

Set the Fire is on this Sunday 3 March 6.00pm at Ashington Church. This is a gathering for young people (13 – 19 years) from across Sussex. There will be hot chocolate, snacks, worship and a space to encounter His presence and be transformed. All are welcome!

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Sinai Session Tuesday 5 March

The next Sinai Session is on Tuesday 5 March 10.00am until 11.30am in Ashington Church.Transformation through being in the glory of God. All are welcome to come and be in God’s presence. With worship flowing, creative resources on hand, a free space to be – this is all about encountering God.

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The Lent Course “Knowing the Father”

Starting on Wednesday 6 March at 7.45pm in Ashington Church, we begin a series of five evenings and one Saturday morning on 30 March from 9.30am – 12.30pm, looking at “Knowing the Father”. Kids work will be available on the Saturday. More details to follow including booking information for the Kids Work.

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James’ Sabbatical Funding Appeal

We are delighted to say that we transferred £9,000 into James’ bank account to pay for their sabbatical. There is a further £3,400 in pledges to come. A huge thank you for your amazing generosity. It really blesses the incredible di Castiglione family. With love Anthony Ray, Jim Waddell

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This Sunday 24 February at Chanctonbury Churches

Our services this Sunday 24 February are: 9am Morning Worship at Ashington // 10am Morning Worship at Washington // 11am Holy Communion at Ashington.  Look out for Electoral Roll forms as the entire roll is renewed this year!  Please note: there is no Chanctonbury Kids or creche at Ashington – but Youth is on!

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Parish Unification Public Consultation

The Church Commissioners have now published the legal Scheme to implement the Benefice moving towards formally uniting as a single Parish. The public consultation period runs until 27 February 2019. Copies of the notices and details of how you can make your views known, either for or against, are by all church doors in the Benefice, and you can also […]

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Monday 25 February 2018 Benefice Agronomy Evening

The Benefice Agronomy Evening will be on Monday 25 February 7.45pm at Washington Church. As well as other updates, we will be hearing about the proposed new Governance Structure of Chanctonbury Churches once Unification has taken place which can be read here. There will be an opportunity for Q & A.

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