Author Archives: Chanctonbury

Next Week 

Please note there will be no Shining Stars Toddler Group or Church Lane Cafe running in Ashington next week, as it is our Kingdom Come Conferences. These will both resume w/c 18 June. The church office will be closed for conference week. 

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Stephen & Clare Backhouse Financial Gift

Many of us have expressed our appreciation for the ministry of Stephen and Clare Backhouse during the past ‘Teaching & Equipping’ month. We are delighted to have been able to give them a generous gift of £4549 to bless them and share our thanks for all they invested into us. Stephen and Clare are still […]

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Exciting News 

We are so thrilled to announce that Patrick Pearson-Miles and Paddy Donovan have both been recommended by The Church of England to train for ordination. We will welcome them both as ordinands at Chanctonbury Churches from September 2018! 

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Chichester Archdeaconry Pilgrimage

As part of the observance of The Year of Prayer, Bishop Mark invites us to join him in a pilgrimage to Chichester Cathedral this Saturday 9 June.  The pilgrimage will begin in Hunston Village at 10.30am and everyone will walk to Chichester for the Eucharist at 12pm. More info here.

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This Sunday 3 June at Chanctonbury Churches

9am Morning Worship at Ashington // 10am Holy Communion (BCP) at Washington // 11am Morning Worship at Ashington // 6.00pm Set the Fire at Ashington – Uniting Young Worshippers (13-19 yrs) from across the South Downs Area

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Kingdom Come Conference Prayer

Join us in praying every day this week ahead of the Conferences: Monday 4th in Washington at 8.45am-9.15am // Tuesday 5th in Ashington  at 8.45am-9.15am // Wednesday 6th in Washington at 8.45am-9.15am // Thursday 7th in Ashington at 8.45am-9.15am // Friday 8th in Ashington Community Centre at 7.30pm

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Although all the tickets for this year’s conference on 11-12 June have now been sold, there are still spaces available to hear Chuck Parry and Dave Harvey on the Leaders Day & Kingdom Come Youth: Wednesday 13 June:  Leaders’ Day –  a one-day event for leaders, including space for Q & A, personal ministry and prayer, vision and […]

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