Author Archives: Chanctonbury

The Easter edition of Church Life Magazine

The Easter edition of Church Life Magazine will be available for distribution on Sunday 18 March. Join in with this wonderful opportunity after the morning services that day, to hand-deliver the magazines to every household in our three villages, as we tell everyone the good news of Easter.

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Marriage Morning – 28th April – Ashington Church

There are still places available to join this wonderful opportunity to spend some quality time together as a couple and to go deeper in your marriage. If you are interested, and would like to join, you can sign up on our website. Any questions, contact Ed Quibell

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Our services this Sunday 4 March

9am Morning Worship at Ashington// 10am Holy Communion (BCP) at Washington //11am Morning Worship at Ashington// 6pm Set the Fire at Ashington. We look forward to welcoming Becca Jupp, Pastor of Arun Church as she comes to speak at Ashington in the morning.

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Church Walk This Saturday 3 March at 2.30pm

Depending on the weather (!) we will meet at Waterfall Cottage, Chantry Lane, Storrington, RH20 4AB  Please let Charlie know you are coming to advise you of any change of plan:  Approx 4pm return to Cottage for a cup of tea and cake.  Non-walkers are welcome to join at 4pm.

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Morning Prayer during the month of March

Following our month of prayer and fasting in January, we will be continuing in March with Ffald-y-Brenin Morning Prayer, starting at 8:45 – 9:15am on Monday 5th March in Washington Church. Monday to Friday until the end of Holy Week. All are welcome.

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The Lent Course continues next week

Miracles and Healing today! Wednesday 7 March, 7.45pm for an 8.00pm start in Ashington Village Club, Mill Lane, RH20 3BX Week 3: Misunderstandings and Objections: your chance to ask the burning questions: Who’s in control? Paul’s thorn in the flesh? Now and not yet? Suffering? Mental Health? Just a few potential topics.

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Children’s Leader Recruitment Update

Following the interviews last weekend, a children’s leader has not been appointed at this time. James writes: “we watch, wait and pray for the Lord to lead us on, and for Him to draw His person to us”. Please be praying for the recruitment team.

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Thanksgiving Service for the life of Mary Minshull

Many of you will remember Pippa Cleeve’s mother Mary Minshull who worshipped at Ashington for many years.  Mary passed away peacefully on the 16th February. The thanksgiving service will take place at 2.30pm on Friday 9 March in Ashington Church. All are welcome to stay for refreshments following the service.

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Big Church Day Out 26th – 27th May 2018

As you may know in previous years we have been able to secure BCDO tickets, at a reduced price and this year is no different.  You can join the ‘Chanctonbury @ BCDO’ Group and order and pay for your tickets here. The closing date for ticket purchases is 21 May and all payments for orders will be […]

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