Category Archives: Uncategorised

Chanctonbury Community Cafés

Church Lane Café is back on Tuesday 6 November 2.00 – 4.00pm at Ashington Church. School Lane Café in Washington Hall is on Wednesday 14 November 1.30 – 3.45pm. Our Cafés offer a place for young and old to spend time together with homemade cakes and fresh coffee. Toys are available for children.

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Chanctonbury Healing Centre

The next Chanctonbury Healing Centre is on Saturday 10 November from 10.00 –11.00am. No appointment is required, just turn up to Ashington Church if you would like prayer. We are already starting to hear amazing stories coming from this prayer space. Open to all!

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Remembrance Service Sunday 11 November

We will be holding Remembrance Day Services in each of our three parishes: Ashington, Washington & St Mary’s Wiston on Sunday 11 November. The Services will start at 10.45am in all three churches. Fore more information on these services visit our website here.

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Remembrance Soldier Silhouette at Ashington & Washington Church

Many of you will have noticed the Soldier Silhouette at Ashington & Washington Church. The position they are standing in is called “Rest on your arms reversed”. It is a military parade stance that is assumed by members of the Armed Forces when formally guarding War Memorials and coffins of senior states persons and/or royalty.  For example, […]

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This Sunday 21 October at Chanctonbury Churches

Our services this Sunday are 9am Morning Worship at Ashington // 10am Holy Communion at Washington// 11.00am Morning Worship at St Mary’s Wiston.  Please Note: there is a Toy Fair running at Ashington Community Centre so please park sensitively. There is no 11.00am service at Ashington. 

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Next Week is Half Term

The church office is closed next week 22 – 26 October as it is half term week. School Lane Cafe at Washington and Shining Stars at Ashington will not run during half term. Shining Stars resumes on Monday 29 October. The next Community Cafe will be Tuesday 6 November at Ashington Church. 

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Light Party! Would you like to help?

Our new Children’s Leader’s Nick Taylor & Holly Draper are looking for some help with refreshments and cooking hot dogs at the Light Party on 31 October. The team will need to arrive at 4.00pm. Please email: if you would like to help.

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Do you have access to a Scaffolding Tower?

Nick Taylor our Community Youth Worker is looking for anyone with access to a scaffolding tower which he needs to replace ceiling tiles in Ashington Youth Club. If you know anyone who can help please contact Nick on:

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Gospel of Mark – Warminghurst Church

Warminghurst Church are having a dramatic reading from the King James Version of The Gospel of Mark on Friday 26 October 2018 at 3.00pm. Entrance is free and refreshments are available. For more information call: 01903 891312

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Bible Society General Knowledge Quiz

Please come and support the annual fundraising quiz on Saturday 3 November. Arrive 7.00pm at West Chiltington Village Hall. Come in teams of 6 or join in with a team. Tickets are £10 which includes a light supper (BYO drinks). They are available from Mary Tute, Ashington Church Bible Society Rep. Contact:  

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