Category Archives: Uncategorised

Sunday 23 September – Licensing service

On Sunday 23 September, there will be one service in the Benefice at 4pm in Ashington Church.  This will be the licensing by Bishop Martin of our new Associate Vicar Jim Waddell as well as the Commissioning of our new Children’s and Youth leaders, Nick Taylor and Holly Draper.

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Chanctonbury Churches Weekend at Home

We are so excited to launch our Chanctonbury Churches Weekend at Home! Friday 28 – Sunday 30 September in Ashington Village! We are planning a mix of time to grow in God, time for us to be ‘family together’ and time for memories to be made! Find out more info & book here.

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Recruitment of Worship Pastor Update

We are so excited to announce the appointment of Luke Christian-Farman as Worship Pastor. Please be praying for Luke & Claire as they prepare to begin ministry with us. More details to come!

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Sunday 23 September – Licensing service

On Sunday 23 September, there will be one service in the Benefice at 4pm in Ashington Church.  This will be the licensing by Bishop Martin of our new Associate Vicar Jim Waddell, as well as the Commissioning of our new Children’s and Youth leaders, Nick Taylor and Holly Draper.  

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Sunday 23 September – Bike Ride!

Velo South is a 100 mile road event taking place across this area.  Many roads will be closed including London Road, Ashington from 6.30am until 12.45pm.  The road should open again in time for our Licensing service at 4pm.  There will be no morning services across the Benefice that day.

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Do you have a red wheelbarrow?

Paddy Donovan is on the hunt for 10 red wheelbarrows for Ashington Youth Club’s involvement in the Ashington Carnival on 18 August. If you have one or are willing to purchase one for them to borrow please contact Paddy:

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Little Lambs Toddler Group – tomorrow – Friday 13 July

Little Lambs Baby & Toddler group will take place tomorrow 10-11.30am at Washington Church.  The Family & Children Centre are bringing Messy Play and their bark pit. Do bring a picnic and join us for an early lunch afterwards. Bring a rug to sit on. Ice lollies will be provided!

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