Category Archives: Uncategorised

Does anyone have accommodation for a family of 6?

Nick and Ruth Parnell’s son Bear is being baptised on Sunday 1 July and his Godparents (plus their 4 children) are looking for local accommodation on 29 – 30 June. If you know of anything that is available please contact

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Big Church Day Out

If you have a weekend wristband you are welcome to join the BCDO Campers Church Service. Arrive 9.30am for a 10am start.

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Next Week

The church office is closed next week 28 May – 1 June as it is half term week. There is no Cafe and no Shining Stars at Ashington until term starts again w/c 4 June.

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Kingdom Come Conference Prayer

Join us in praying everyday the week before the Kingdom Come Conferences: Monday 4 June in Washington at 8.45am – 9.15am // Tuesday 5 June in Ashington  at 8.45am – 9.15am // Wednesday 6 June in Washington at 8.45am – 9.15am // Thursday 7 June in Ashington at 8.45am – 9.15am // Friday 8 June in Ashington Community Centre at 7.30pm

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Are you able to host some Bethel Students?

Charlie & Jenny Arbuthnot are hosting an event for the BSSM students returning to the UK from Bethel on Saturday 23 June and they are looking for people to host a student and provide breakfast on Friday and/or Saturday. If you are able to help please contact Claire Christian-Farman:

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Dalesdown Summer Camps

Dalesdown are running their annual programme of summer camps for children and young people. 30 July – 3 Aug (school years 7 – 11) 6 – 10 Aug ( School years 3 – 6) The camps are packed full of outdoor activities, creative workshops, teaching, worship and loads of fun with friends! For more info […]

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This Sunday 20 May at Chanctonbury Churches

9am Morning Worship at Ashington // 10am Holy Communion at Washington // 11am Morning Worship at Ashington // 11am Holy Communion at Buncton. Parking will be at Church Farm in Ashington as there is a football tournament.

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Gift Day – Sunday 20th May

Our Gift Day will take place this Sunday 20th May at all four services. Please bring your pledge forms this Sunday and the offering towards resourcing our vision for Kingdom Come will be taken up as part of our worship (see brochure for more information).

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