Category Archives: Uncategorised

Off Site Accommodation for New Wine Christian Holiday

For anyone attending week one 28 July-3 August, two single beds in one bedroom are available until 6 August at the lovely self-catering property (including a swimming pool!), which Jimmy and Diane Girling have stayed in for New Wine for more than 10 years! Anyone interested, including singles please call J&D at 01903 892900.

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Parking at Ashington

Our numbers are growing which means more cars! Please park in the car parks in the Community Centre, the Scout Hall, the Youth Club, as well as the Social Club.  Let’s be a blessing to our neighbours by parking sensitively.  Thank you so much!

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Our services, this Sunday 28 January

9am Holy Communion at Ashington, 10am Morning Worship at Washington, 11am Tribal Gathering at Ashington. (NB, there is no service at Wiston this Sunday as mentioned in last Sunday’s service sheet).

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Seeking the Face of God – throughout January

The last week of Morning Prayer continues every weekday 8.45-9.15am, rotating around our churches: Mondays and Wednesdays – Washington Church. Tuesdays and Fridays – Ashington church. Thursdays – Buncton.   Next Wednesday Evening, 24 January, in Wiston Church (the heating will be on!), starting with worship from 7.30pm, followed by teaching on ‘Tongues of Fire’, followed by […]

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Chanctonbury Befrienders is a confidential support network whose aim is to help you live life to the fullest degree that it can be lived. Visitors to your home are available to come alongside you, offer a ‘listening ear’, and to help you find a way forward in times of bereavement or feeling lonely and unwanted, […]

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Please can we pray for Shilpa, one of the Ashington mission partners, over the next couple of weeks. Jon Hargreaves and a small team are going out to Nasik to run a workshop in partnership with her. Click here to download Jon’s recent news. Jon is a long standing friend of the church, and has […]

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Parking at Ashington

Our numbers are growing which means more cars! Please park in the car parks in the Community Centre, the Scout Hall, the Youth Club, as well as the Social Club.  Let’s be a blessing to our neighbours by parking sensitively.  Thank you so much!

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Love After Marriage workshop

Wednesday 14th – Saturday 17th February 2018 at St Cuthmans Church, Brighton BN2 5HE Love After Marriage workshop – 3.5 Day Intensive Workshop – A Journey Into Spiritual, Emotional and Sexual Oneness For more information please contact: Cliff & Debby Jackson . or view the Love After Marriage Website

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Dalesdown Retreat Programme

Dalesdown have released the dates for their retreat programme for Spring and early Summer. ‘Breathing Space’ – Days for personal retreat: 20 February, 22 March and 15 May. ‘Quiet Space’ – including creative input from a guest facilitator: 10 July. Each day is from 10am-3pm. You can download their brochure here.

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