Join us this Christmas as we celebrate the joy and wonder of Jesus’ birth – a moment of hope that fills our hearts and brings us together in His glorious light.

Join us this Christmas as we celebrate the joy and wonder of Jesus’ birth – a moment of hope that fills our hearts and brings us together in His glorious light.
December 2024 Services & Events
Wednesday 4th December
Christingle Café – Ashington
3.15-4:45pm Ashington Church
Jump into the spirit of the season by making Christingles and other Christmas crafts at our Christingle Cafe. Enjoy refreshments, hear a short Christmas message and sing some carols. For children and families.
Monday 9th December
Christingle Café – Washington
3.15-4:45pm Washington Church
Jump into the spirit of the season by making Christingles and other Christmas crafts at our Christingle Cafe. Enjoy refreshments, hear a short Christmas message and sing some carols. For children and families.
Sunday 15th December
Morning Worship
9am Washington Church
10am Buncton Church
Ashington – no morning service
Saturday 21st December
Family Carol Service
5pm St. Mary’s, Wiston*
Traditional carols and readings, followed by seasonal refreshments at Wiston House.
* St Mary’s, Wiston BN44 3DZ. Access is only via the Wilton Park entrance on the A283.
Sunday 22nd December
Family Carols
10am Ashington Church
A short, family-friendly carol service, with stories and interactive fun.
Tuesday 24th December – Christmas Eve
Midnight Service
11pm Washington Church
Join us at midnight for a contemplative service to usher in the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
Sunday 29th December
Morning Worship
Washington 10am
Buncton 10am
Ashington – no service
Sunday 8th December
Morning Worship
9am, & 11am Ashington
9am & 10.30am Washington
10am Buncton
Thursday 12th December
Seniors’ Café Christmas Party
10.30am-12pm Ashington Church
Our Seniors’ Café takes place on the second and fourth Thursday morning each month and is open to all seniors. Join us on 12 December for festive refreshments, music, quiz and more – everyone warmly invited! No need to book.
Sunday 15th December
Carols by Candlelight
6pm Ashington Church
6pm Washington Church
Join us for an atmospheric evening of Christmas cheer with carols and seasonal refreshments afterwards.
Sunday 22nd December
Morning Worship
10am Washington Church
10am Buncton Church
Tuesday 24th December – Christmas Eve
Crib Service
4pm Ashington Church
A short retelling of the first Christmas story for all the family. Dressing up as a character from the nativity is encouraged.
Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Day
Christmas Day Morning Worship
10am Ashington Church
10am Washington Church
10am St Mary’s, Wiston*
All are welcome to to celebrate Christmas morning.
* St Mary’s, Wiston BN44 3DZ. Access is only via the Wilton Park entrance on the A283.
Wednesday 4th December
Christingle Café – Ashington
3.15-4:45pm Ashington Church
Jump into the spirit of the season by making Christingles and other Christmas crafts at our Christingle Cafe. Enjoy refreshments, hear a short Christmas message and sing some carols. For children and families.
Sunday 8th December
Morning Worship
9am, & 11am Ashington
9am & 10.30am Washington
10am Buncton
Monday 9th December
Christingle Café – Washington
3.15-4:45pm Washington Church
Jump into the spirit of the season by making Christingles and other Christmas crafts at our Christingle Cafe. Enjoy refreshments, hear a short Christmas message and sing some carols. For children and families.
Thursday 12th December
Seniors’ Café Christmas Party
10.30am-12pm Ashington Church
Our Seniors’ Café takes place on the second and fourth Thursday morning each month and is open to all seniors. Join us on 12 December for festive refreshments, music, quiz and more – everyone warmly invited! No need to book.
Sunday 15th December
Morning Worship
9am Washington Church
10am Buncton Church
Ashington – no morning service
Sunday 15th December
Carols by Candlelight
6pm Ashington Church
6pm Washington Church
Join us for an atmospheric evening of Christmas cheer with carols and seasonal refreshments afterwards.
Saturday 21st December
Family Carol Service
5pm St. Mary’s, Wiston*
Traditional carols and readings, followed by seasonal refreshments at Wiston House.
* St Mary’s, Wiston BN44 3DZ. Access is only via the Wilton Park entrance on the A283.
Sunday 22nd December
Family Carols
10am Ashington Church
A short, family-friendly carol service, with stories and interactive fun.
Sunday 22nd December
Morning Worship
10am Washington Church
10am Buncton Church
Tuesday 24th December – Christmas Eve
Crib Service
4pm Ashington Church
A short retelling of the first Christmas story for all the family. Dressing up as a character from the nativity is encouraged.
Tuesday 24th December – Christmas Eve
Midnight Service
11pm Washington Church
Join us at midnight for a contemplative service to usher in the celebration of Jesus’ birth.
Wednesday 25th December – Christmas Day
Chirstmas Day Morning Worship
10am Ashington Church
10am Washington Church
10am St Mary’s, Wiston*
All are welcome to to celebrate Christmas morning.
* St Mary’s, Wiston BN44 3DZ. Access is only via the Wilton Park entrance on the A283.
Sunday 29th December
Morning Worship
Washington 10am
Buncton 10am
Ashington – no service