The earth is the Lord’s, and everything in it

Psalm 24:1

We believe everything we have all belongs to God, and our responsibility is simply to steward and marshal the resources He has given to each one of us, according to His leading and to reflect His ways in our lives and those around us.

We believe that giving should be:
Prayerful, Abundant, Prioritised, Planned, as Worship to God, Sacrificial and above all, Joyful!

How to Give to the Parish of Chanctonbury

1. Regular monthly giving

The most convenient way to give is by a regular monthly payment to:

Chanctonbury PCC
Sort Code: 30-99-93
Account No: 03220536

You can set up your regular payment online via your bank account.


You can use the form below to set up a standing order with your bank/building society. Once completed, the form should be forwarded to your bank/building society to process.

Please also complete a Gift Aid Declaration if you wish us to claim gift aid on your donation.

2. Sundays

You also can give at any of our services by putting money in the box or plate at the back of Church. If you want to add Gift Aid, please put the money in a giving envelope and complete the details, or you can use our digital payment station.

3. Legacies

Consider including Chanctonbury Church within your will by the addition of a straightforward clause. Gifts from legacies can make an enormous difference to the life of the church. To help you consider what you possess and who you would like to give it to, see this template to help.

To give a share of your estate to Chanctonbury Church, use this wording: “I give ______ % of my residuary estate free of all taxes to The Parochial Church Council of the Ecclesiastical Parish of Chanctonbury (registered charity number 1132309) in the Diocese of Chichester for its general purposes, and I declare that the receipt of an officer of the Parochial Church Council shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors and trustees.”

4. Online Shopping through Easyfundraising

Over 7,000 online brands including John Lewis & Partners, Argos, Uswitch, eBay and M&S are ready to give a free donation every time you shop online. Plus, once you’ve signed up and raised £5 in donations, easyfundraising will give Chanctonbury Church an extra £5 bonus donation.


5. Donate Online

You can also make a donation via credit or debit card online below.  This will process your payment via ChurchSuite Donate. Please note, there is a fee attached to this type of giving (2.2% plus 20p), which will be deducted from any donation made.

Thank you!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for considering joining us on the adventure of giving. If you have any questions or would like to talk to someone about your giving, please feel free to contact