God has called us to become a dwelling place for His presence – a rural oasis of His Kingdom, where our lives, churches and communities are increasingly transformed to reflect the Kingdom of Heaven here on West Sussex earth. Our dream, (and what we live for) is encapsulated in something we’ve called ‘2033’. Find out more here.
We value the Father’s presence and prioritise taking time to encounter Him. As part of the Intern programme, throughout each week there will be times of worship, prayer ministry, enjoying the gifts of the Spirit and opportunities for you to experience personal transformation and freedom through the Holy Spirit.
Family is at the heart of this internship, and the year is relationship-based, rather than programme-driven. Our desire is that this would be a year for you to know that you are valued and known by the Father; that this would be a year of discovery, as you experience more revelation of God as Father. As you get to develop close relationships with the rest of the intern team, as you journey through the year, we believe that the friendships you make, will be for life.

As an intern, you will be joining the wider Chanctonbury Churches staff team. As a team, our aim is to be secure in the love of the Father, walking as Jesus did – proclaiming the gospel with signs and wonders following, filled with the Holy Spirit, and able to empower and spiritually equip anyone we come into contact with, living life in all its fullness, seeing more of the Kingdom of God breaking in around us. Over the year, you will learn from them, be inspired by them, laugh with them, and share adventures in Jesus.
Training and equipping for living a Kingdom-releasing life will happen through Sunday services, mid week courses, small groups, mentors, conferences, retreats. You will have access to gifted theologians, and a chance to glean from, and be inspired by our leadership team and wider church family.
Part of the year will be a month-long mission trip overseas with the rest of the intern team. Fundraising for this will be done throughout the year by interns.

Each Intern works a minimum of 30 hours per week, with further opportunities to get involved throughout the week, in the other aspects of church life.
Training hours – 6 hours per week
Paid working hours – 12 hours per week
(at minimum wage)
Voluntary hours – 12 hours per week
Holidays – 5 weeks
(taken in line with school breaks each term)
During the year, there are opportunities to serve throughout the week and on Sundays in a variety of ministries across the church: youth, kids church, worship, administration, video and multimedia, creative arts, schools’ work – as well as through practical tasks. Initially, in the first term, you will work across a range of ministries, and then after Christmas, you will be encouraged to focus on areas that release your passions and gifting.