God is on the move and we feel called to keep an account of how He is touching lives in this place, at this time. We hope these stories of what God has been doing will inspire you to draw near to Him in faith, enjoying the full and abundant life Jesus promised.
Simon shares about how God healed his shoulder:
“On Christmas day, I reached my right arm over my head and felt a crunch and then I was in a lot of pain. This triggered a frozen shoulder which I ended up having for 7 months.
I have been saw an amazing Physio in Storrington, who worked wonders, but was only able to release so much. I was in pain daily and had very limited mobility.
One Sunday at church, we were learning about encounters with Jesus and how He healed everyone.
We were encouraged to go forward for prayer if we needed healing for anything.
Immediately, my shoulder went from about 50% to 90% mobility, and most importantly I have had no pain since.
Thank you Jesus! Believing Him for the remaining 10% healing!”