God is on the move and we feel called to keep an account of how He is touching lives in this place, at this time. We hope these stories of what God has been doing will inspire you to draw near to Him in faith, enjoying the full and abundant life Jesus promised.

Isi lives in Worthing and is part of Chanctonbury Youth.
Jesus wasn’t an everyday name in my home growing up. I found faith initially through witnessing the love and generosity that a friend of mine had for other people. I would occasionally attend church with her, but only as an activity. I began to learn more about Jesus having been invited into such a wonderful community. That being said, I found myself going time after time, yet not understanding what I was being told.
I was invited to Big Church Day Out [a large Christian music event held on the Wiston Estate] with some friends, being told it would be fun; it was so much more than that. It was here that I first experienced the Holy Spirit, being completely overwhelmed with happy emotions which left me wanting more and more of God in my life.
Later that summer while on holiday, I sat by a pool – by myself, with no one around – and gave my heart to Jesus. I realised that he was all I wanted to invest my whole life and heart in.
I have grown in faith so much since, feeling closer and closer to God, learning to rely solely on God for all the strength I need. I have discovered a whole new version of myself where I am happier; more confident than ever before; at peace with myself and surrounded by beautiful lifelong friendships.
Every day I am building a wonderful relationship with God the Father, living the amazing life He intended me to have.