Partnerships & Giving

Chanctonbury Church supports a number of charitable organisations and people abroad, nationally and locally in West Sussex. We do this in a number of ways: through regular donations (up to three years), one-off financial gifts, and prayer and practical support. We are committed to continue to give at least 10% of our regular giving income in support of existing and new partnerships and projects. We also like to encourage the people in our congregations to engage with Mission and we therefore commit, as far as is possible, to match-fund any monies they raise up to a fixed sum for charities or mission trips they may embark on.

Support a New Cause

If you have a heart to support a new cause, simply follow the guidelines below:

1.   Gather 3 or more members of the congregation who are committed to praying for the project for at least 12 months.

2.  Write a simple proposal using this form.

3.  Email your proposal and any supporting material to the Giving Team.

We fund partners for up to 3 years. The Giving Team appoint on a two – three year rolling basis. In order to comply with the Charity Commission we can only give to charities with a base in the UK.

One-off Gifts and Previously Supported

Please click on each charity below to be redirected to the website for more information: