Thank you for your interest in auditioning for the Worship Team!
Our Audition Process
1. Complete Application Form
Please fill out this application form to help us learn more about you, your heart and your musical/worship team experience.
(Opens in a new window)
2. Upload Your Video
Send in a video recording of yourself playing or singing along to one of the songs listed below – feel free to be creative in this. It’s an opportunity for you to really highlight the gifts God has placed in you in a controlled and pressure free environment. Firstly introduce yourself at the start of the video and the role you are auditioning for such as leader, backing vocalist etc. Musicians, please give us a run down of the gear you are using before you play.
(Click song titles for YouTube links)
Song 1
Great Are you Lord by ‘All Sons and Daughters’
Song 2
O Praise The Name (Anåstasis) by ‘Hillsong’
Song 3
No Longer Slaves by ‘Jonathan Helser at Bethel’
You can upload video files using the link below
(Opens in a new window)
3. Prayer & Discernment
Your video and application will not only go to our oversight team but they are also prayed over by a wider team of intercessors to discern what God is saying over each and every application form. It’s so important to us that everyone is completely covered in prayer and encouragement before any invitations are made.
4. Live Auditions
We are always willing to accept audition applications, and will be in touch as soon as we are next planning to process them.
For more information, get in touch at