Author Archives: Chanctonbury

Our Teaching Sessions continue

Next Thursday 28 February, the next in our series of Teaching sessions will take place at 7.45pm in Washington Church, and we will be looking at the subject of ‘Pursuing financial breakthrough’.  All are welcome.

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Ash Wednesday Service

The Ash Wednesday service, with Holy Communion, will take place on Wednesday 6 March at 11am at Washington Church. All are welcome.

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The Lent Course 

Starting on Wednesday 6 March at 7.45 for an 8pm start in Ashington Church, we begin a series of five evenings and one Saturday morning on 30th March, looking at “Knowing the Father” which concludes on Thursday 4th April with a ticketed ‘Encounter Evening’ with a team from Catch the Fire, London.

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Iringa School for the Deaf

Tony and Sue Vaughan who worship at Washington, have supported and frequently visited the Iringa School for the Deaf, which is owned by the Anglican Diocese of Ruaha in Tanzania and is now at risk of closure. Join this crowdfunding appeal (for another 4 weeks only). Read here for more information. As some of you […]

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Video news from Eden Farm in Zambia

Nathanael Edwards, one of the elders from The Community Church Storrington has sent this short video of thanks from Eden Farm in Zambia.  This children’s village and working farm plans to build homes for over 200 orphaned children.  Money was given by ‘Ashington Gives’ last year to support their work.  

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Vacancies for Housekeeper at Dalesdown

Two part-time roles are being advertised at Dalesdown residential centre near Dial Post, to keep the centre ready for visits by Churches, youth groups and schools. One on permanent staff,  the other temporary, to provide summer cover.  Closing date for applications is Wednesday 13th March. To find out more call 01403 710712

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Training Event and Camps at Dalesdown

A training event led by a team of experts will take place on Saturday 2nd March 2019, 9.30am—3.30pm.  Cost: £20 for training and professional development of Children’s and Youth Ministry.  Also, details for Camps at Dalesdown are now available via their website. For details and booking contact Michelle Quibell at

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Organist and Music Worship Lead

St Mary’s Church West Chiltington are looking for an Organist and Music Worship Lead to develop their worship, choir and music group to celebrate all that is excellent in the traditional and is possible from the contemporary and informal. Contact the Rector Rev’d David Coleman by email or phone/text 07710 688033

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This Sunday 17 February at Chanctonbury Churches

Our services this Sunday are 9am Morning Worship at Ashington // 10am Holy Communion at Washington // 11am Morning Worship at Ashington // 11am Holy Communion at St Mary’s Wiston. Creche is not on this week. Chanctonbury Kids is Movie Sunday! 

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