Category Archives: Uncategorised

Christmas Offerings

We are delighted to announce that the total offering which has been passed to Imago Dei Prison Ministry from all our Christmas services from across the Benefice is £1927.6.  We thank God for his generosity poured out and for the wonderful response to this appeal.

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Morning Prayer Continues

Our morning prayer using the Ffald-y-Brenin prayer as a framework continues for one more week, each weekday morning 8.45 – 9.15am finishing on Friday 1 February. Mondays: Washington // Tuesdays: Ashington // Wednesdays: Buncton // Thursdays: Washington // Fridays: Ashington. 

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Wednesday Nights at Wiston

Join us next Wednesday 30 January for a night of Teaching, Prayer & Worship from 7.30pm at St Mary’s, Wiston. There will be teaching on ‘Intimacy, Repentance & Joy’. All are welcome!

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Healing Training Morning – Saturday 2 February

All are welcome to the Chanctonbury Healing Centre training morning on Saturday 2 February at Ashington Church. We will tackle some of the big questions, and there will be an opportunity for Q & A. Arrive 9.00am for coffee and the session will finish at 1.00pm. Sign up via our website.

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Parish Unification

Over the last two years our three parishes in the Benefice have been moving towards formally uniting as a single Parish.  We believe this step will help us work together more closely across our area and be a powerful symbol of our unity as we seek to advance the Kingdom of God here in our […]

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Brunch for the 9am Family on Sunday 10 February

Fresh fruit salads, pastries, yoghurt & bacon baps will be served after the 9am service on Sunday 10 February.  If you would like to contribute or bring something, please speak to Kathy Wright: All are welcome for this time of fellowship. Tribal Gathering will take place in the Community Centre.

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Chanctonbury Stories

We would love to hear about how God has been at work in your life and to share the good news to the communities around us. Please send us your story following the steps here. For more information please contact:

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