Please read the following procedure with regards to the Coronavirus, written in accordance with the advice given us by the UK Government and the Diocese of Chichester.  It will be reviewed on a regular basis to ensure it remains suitable.  Please click through to the website to read more regarding our

Church Services and Activities

We will follow advice from the Church of England and Diocese of Chichester with regards to behaviour during Church Services including in respect of Holy Communion and sharing of the Peace, and other Parish activities, and this will be updated in line with any updates received from them.

Where possible and subject to Diocesan and Government advice we will continue to provide our normal opportunities for worship.  If due to ministerial sickness or self isolation we are unable to resource our usual range of services we will maintain the best possible range of options across our church locations, and advise members of the congregations.

Care and Support

As Christians, we take seriously our responsibilities to bear one another’s burdens and provide care and pastoral support for anyone affected in our Parish and congregations.  This will be overseen by Rev Jim Waddell


We will observe the government advice with regards to handwashing and where possible make anti-bacterial hand gel available in all churches and the Church office and ask our cleaner to use an alcohol-based sanitiser on touch points (handles, handrails etc.), subject to being able to obtain supplies.  All towels have been removed from the churches and office and replaced with a supply of disposable paper towels.

Members of our Congregations and Children’s and Youth activities

We ask that all members of the congregation ensure that they and any dependents including their children observe government guidelines including with regards to self-isolation and personal hygiene.  We ask all to avoid handshaking and hugging for the duration of this health emergency.  If you have cough or cold symptoms of any type you are asked to self-isolate from church activities for at least 7 days from commencement of your symptoms.

Staff and Volunteers

We attach below more detailed policies for Staff and Volunteers.



The situation is rapidly evolving and Staff and Volunteers should ensure they keep abreast of government advice and instructions to the population generally


  • Please refrain from shaking hands / hugging / close contact.
  • Please do not come to work / church / activities if you are coughing or sneezing as this will result in potential contamination.
  • Where you are visiting people, be mindful to ask if they have been to one of the affected countries or in contact with someone known to be or who potentially may be infected in the UK.
  • You are encouraged to reduce non-essential meetings and where possible and appropriate work remotely.


If you become unwell and believe you have been exposed to COVID-19

  • Unless you have been to one of the affected countries or have had close contact with anyone who has or has been or potentially been in contact with someone known to be or who potentially may be infected in the UK in the last 14 days you should continue as normal.
  • If you have been to one of the affected countries or knowingly in contact with a person known or potentially likely to be affected in the UK, you should contact NHS 111 and follow their advice. The normal procedure applies with regards to notifying the Church office of your absence.
  • For staff and volunteers if you are at work or involved in ministry when you become unwell, you should move to an area at least 2 metres away from other people and contact NHS 111 for further advice. You should avoid touching people, surfaces and objects and cover your mouth and nose with a disposable tissue when you cough or sneeze.  Put the tissue in a bag or pocket or throw it in the bin if there is one.   If you don’t have any tissues available, you should cough and sneeze into the crook of your elbow.  You should go home.
  • If you are advised by NHS 111 to self isolate at home, you should go home immediately and follow the advice given by the Government for self isolation. If you are at home at the time Staff should follow the normal reporting procedure to notify the office of your absence.
  • No restrictions or special control measures are required while laboratory test results are awaited. There will be no need to close the office or churches or send other staff home at this point.


If you receive a positive diagnosis for COVID-19:

  • If you receive a positive diagnosis for COVID-19, you must continue to follow the advice for self isolation while you are being treated for the infection.
  • The local Public Health England Health Protection Team will contact the Parish and provide advice. A risk assessment will be undertaken by the Health Protection Team.
  • The Health Protection Team will decide whether it is necessary to close any church or the office and assist with identifying those who may be affected.
  • Those staff and volunteers who have been within 2 metres of a confirmed case will be asked to self-isolate at home for 14 days from when they last had contact with the confirmed case. If they develop symptoms during the 14 day isolation period, they should contact NHS111. They will be tested for the virus and if found positive will be treated for the infection.
  • Staff and volunteers who have not had close contact with the person who was originally diagnosed as infected do not need to take any precautions and, subject to advice to minimise unnecessary meetings, can continue to work normally unless and until government advice changes.

Certifying absence from work

Normal procedures will apply for certifying absences of up to 7 calendar days as normal.  Thereafter a medical certificate or Fit Note (Med 3 form) may be required (subject to any changes in government policy) upon returning to work. Discretion will be applied.


Working from home

If you are advised by NHS 111 to self isolate at home, you will be required to work from home to the extent possible if you are well enough to do so and provided doing so does not compromise the advice given to you by the Government for self isolation.  Infected employees feeling well enough to work from home will continue to receive full pay.


Payment of Salary

In the event a member of staff is advised by NHS 111 to self isolate at home, they will receive full pay for the 14 day isolation period (or in the case of part time staff, for however many days you would normally work during the 14 day isolation period) or until such time as they are given the all clear if sooner.

Employees confirmed as having COVID-19 will receive full pay for 14 days (or in the case of part time staff, for however many days you would normally work during the 14 day isolation period).  Thereafter, salary will be paid in accordance with the usual sickness policy, or any updated government regulations.

School Closures

In the event of a school closure, affected staff are expected to try their best to obtain childcare to enable them to fulfil their Parish duties.  If it is not possible to obtain childcare, those staff able to work from home should do so. We will do our best within our financial constraints as a charity to support staff financially if they are unable to work due to child or other care duties caused by COVID-19 but this is at the discretion of the PCC.  


We expect all members of staff and volunteers to follow the advice given by the Foreign and Commonwealth Office before travelling.


This procedure will be reviewed regularly and may be changed without notice, in order to comply with Government guidelines.